Analysis of the correlation between water consumed structure and industrial structure in different regions of Fujian Province
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Based on the data of w ater co nsumption structur e and industrial structure in Fujian Pr ov ince between 1998 and 2010, linear reg ression models of the cor relations betw een water co nsumption str ucture and industrial structur e in Fujian Prov ince, in2 cluding the coastal area, mo untainous area, and nine pr efectur es, w ere established using the a pplicat ion o f symmetr ical lo gr atio transformat ion and partial least squar es. The results show ed that the co rr elatio ns between water co nsumption structure and in2 dustr ial st ruct ur e var y in different reg ions of Fujian Pr ov ince. The indust rial w ater co nsumption is hig hly related w ith t he sec2 o ndary industry in the co astal ar ea, w her eas the ir rigation water consumption is hig hly related w ith the pr imar y industr y in the mountaino us ar ea. Water co nsumpt ion is hig hly co rrelated w ith three indust ries in Xiamen, irr ig atio n w ater shows sig nificant co rr elation wit h the primar y industr y in Nanping, Lo ng yan, and Ningde, w hile there is no obvio us cor relat ion betw een w ater co nsumpt ion structure and industr ial st ructur e in Sanming and Zhang zho u.