Discussion on several problems for shear strength of unsaturated soil
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In v iew o f t he problems in the r esear ch of shear st rength of unsaturated so ils, some r esear ch r esult s of the relat ionship betw een the shear strength and matrix suctio n of unsaturated so il w ere reviewed. Acco rding to the basic pr inciple of unsaturated so il str ess theor y, a new r esea rch v iew po int o f the r elatio nship betw een the vo latile water co ntent and shear st rength of unsatu2 r ated so il w as pro po sed. The effects of the str ess histo ry ( including suctio n histor y) o n the str eng th of unsaturated so il wer e dis2 cussed, and the disadv antag es of contro l suct ion test wer e analyzed. Improv ing the suct ion test techno log y and accur acy of suc2 tion test was consider ed to be one of the impor tant r esear ch directio ns of the st rength character istics o f unsatur ated so il. T he discussion in this paper can benefit the research of unsat ur ated so il str eng th.