Current land use situation and characteristics of temporal and spatial distribution of its evapotranspiration in the Ejina Delta
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The land use was r eclassified based on the evapotr anspir atio n ( ET ) and land use dat a in 2010 obtained f rom remot e sensing r etrievals in the H eihe Water shed, the ET data w ere resampled using the nearest neig hbor s mEThod, t he mo nthly and yearly ET of each land use w ere calculated, and the char act eristics of its tempo ral and spatial distr ibut ion wer e finally analyzed. The results showed t hat ( 1) the remote sensing analysis area of Ejina Delta is 8 073. 6 km2 ; ( 2) accor ding t o the characterist ics of moist ur e dissipatio n and recharg e, the land use can be reclassified into water , farmland, bar e land, construction land, and for2 est2o asis land, and the o rder of annual E T in each land use t ype in 2010 is water ( 815. 9 mm) > farmland ( 142. 8 mm) > for2 est2o asis land ( 103. 3 mm) > co nstr uction land ( 61. 6 mm) > bar e land ( 55. 6 mm) ; ( 3) the to tal ET o f Ejina Delta is 5. 39@ 108 m3 in 2010, and the ET of bar e land, fo rest2oasis land, and water accounts for 71. 6%, 18. 5%, and 6. 9% of the tota l E T, re2 spect ively; ( 4) the maximum mo nthly ET of w ater, farmland, bare land, co nstr uctio n land, and for est2oasis land occur s in June, Aug ust, June, June, and June, respect ively, w hile t he minimum occurs in No vember, January , January, Januar y, and January , re2 spect ively. The ratio n o f max imum and minimum ex tr eme v alues is 223. 5 ( farmland) and 43. 5 ( w ater) ; ( 5) the to tal ET from June t o September accounts f rom 61. 3% ( water ) to 83. 9% ( fa rmland) , while the to tal ET fr om No vember to Mar ch o f next year accounts from 2. 7% ( farmland) to 7. 7% ( w ater) of the annual E T; and ( 6) the spatial va riability of ET o f one land use type is remarkable. The max imum of ex tremes ratio , standar d deviat ion, and coefficient o f v ariation of pix el of all land use types are 30. 3 ( w ater) , 511. 5 ( w ater ) , 0. 63 ( w ater ) , r espectively, indicating that the spatial va riability o f annual ET fo r land use type of w ater is the g reatest.