Transformation relationship of return period between municipal drainage system and waterlogged drainage system
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The transformation relationship o f r etur n perio d bet ween the municipal drainag e system and water lo gg ed dr ainage sys2 tem w as inv est igated using t he desig n flow analysis method accor ding to the drainag e project in H aikou City. The r esults show ed that the municipal2dr ainage return perio d of 1 year cor responds to the water2dr ainage retur n perio d of 10 y ear s, munici2 pal2dra inag e retur n period of 2 y ears to w ater2drainag e r eturn per iod o f 15 ~ 20 y ears, municipal2drainag e r eturn per iod of 3 years to water2dr ainage r etur n perio d of 20~ 28 y ea rs, municipal2drainag e r et ur n per io d of 5 years to water2dr ainage return per i2 o d o f 30~ 40 years, and municipal2dr ainage return period of 10 year s to wat er2drainage return per iod of 45~ 70 year s, r espec2 tively. Based o n the r esear ch r esult s obtained prev iously and in this paper , the g eneral tr ansfo rmatio n mo del o f r eturn period be2 tw een municipal drainag e system and w aterlogg ed dr ainag e system w as determined.