Analysis water use linkage among economic sectors in Zhejiang Province
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Wat er use linkages among indust rial secto rs o f Zhejiang Pr ov ince in 2010 w ere ana lyzed using the indust rial linkage a2 nalysis metho d based o n the ver tically integ rated consumptio n and hypothetical ext ractio n method, and the tr ansformatio n of vir2 tual water among industr ial secto rs in the economic systems o f Zhejiang w ere obtained. Results show ed that enormous difference occur s betw een the direct consumptio n and v ertically integ rated consumptio n of w ater in each sector , but the total dir ect con2 sumpt ion and t otal v ertically integ rat ed co nsumption of wat er is t he same, w hich is 220. 08 @ 108 m3 and indicat es that the ex ist2 ence o f t ransfo rmation o f v irt ual amo ng differ ent sector s of economic system. In the economic system, ag ricult ur al secto r had net outputs o f vir tual water w ith a vo lume o f 78. 46@ 108 m3 , w hereas the indust rial, constructio n, and ser vice secto rs had net inputs of virtual w ater w it h v olumes of 32. 98@ 108 m3 , 43. 22@ 108 m3 and 2. 26 @ 108 m3, respect ively. The findings pro vide reference for t he r egio na lly industr ial str ucture adjustment and water manag ement po licy .