Flood variation and its cause analysis of Xuanen district under changing environment
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As themain engineer ing means o f contr olling urban flood, riv er and upst ream r eser vo ir reg ulatio ns which pr otect people against flo od disaster s can chang e r iver channel stor age and lead to the var iatio ns of the formatio n, evo lutio n, and spatial and tempo ral distributio n of urban flo od due to climate chang e. In this st udy, hydrolog ical var iatio n diagnosis system and the fo rmula of Ch?zy2manning w ere used to determine the f loo d var iation fo rm, degree, and causes of Xuanen dist rict under the chang ing en2 v iro nment. The results show ed that ( 1) the aver age annual max imum monthly rainfall ser ies f rom 1956 t o 2010 have a mo derat e variatio n w ith downw ard jump in 1998, which indicates t hat rainfall decreases under the chang ing env iro nment; ( 2) the annual maximum daily flow series from 1962 to 2013 have a moder ate v ariation with dow nw ard jump in 1999, which indicates that peak flow decr eases; ( 3) The dual effects of climate chang e and human activ ities cause the flo od variation, but the former effects ar e only 41% o f the lat ter; and ( 4) riv er cana lizatio n r esult s in the decreasing o f t he flood flow and exacer bation of flo od v ariation, ther efor e t he flood w arning plan needs to adapt to the chang ing environment .