Effects of Dahuofang reservoir on the runoff characteristics of Hun River Basin
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In or der t o analy ze the impact o f human activ ities on the runoff char acter istics of Hun River Basin, the daily runo ff da2 ta o f six hy dr olog ical stations, including Beikouqian, Dahuo fang , Fushun, Shenyang, H uanglatuo, and Xing jiawo peng, fr om 1959 to 2011 w ere selected, the t ime when Dahuo fang reservo ir w as closed and started to st orag e water w as selected as the initial re2 search perio d, the variatio n character istics o f annual runo ff, r unoff in the floo d seaso n and non2floo d season, monthly runo ff, and daily runo ff wer e compared and analyzed. The r esults show ed that runo ff in the Hun River Basin has slig ht v ariat ion in the fir st 20 years after the com pletion of the Dahuofang r eser vo ir, and hig h peak of r unoff appear s in the subsequent 30 year s. The sto rag e ca pacity of Dahuofang r eser vo ir in the flood seaso n did not change sig nificantly , and the var iatio n trend of sto rag e capacity in the f loo d season was consistent wit h the annual sto rag e ca pacity .