Assessment of current construction situation of urban water ecological civilization in Zhengzhou
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An ev aluatio n system o f ur ban w ater ecolog ical civ ilizat ion w as developed w ith 20 index es from six aspects, including the str ictest water resources manag ement and optimal allocatio n o f water resources, and was applied to assess the cur rent con2 str uction situat ion of urban water eco lo gical civilizatio n in Zheng zho u. The results showed t hat the strict est w ater r eso urces manag ement has the sco re o f 18 ( scor ing per centag e is 72%, same hereinafter ) , the optimal allo cation of w ater r eso ur ces has the sco re of 9 ( 60%) , the f loo d contr ol and dr ainag e system has the sco re of 6. 5 ( 65%) , the water2sav ing societ y construction has the scor e of 14 ( 70%) , the w ater ecolog ical prot ection and r est ore system has the scor e o f 9 ( 45%) , and the w ater culture con2 str uction has the sco re o f 6 ( 60%) , thus t he tota l sco re is 62. 5, which indicated that it reaches the standa rd of urban w ater eco2 log ical civilizatio n. The str ictest w ater r eso ur ces management and w ater2sav ing society constructio n perfo rm well in Zheng zhou, while the o pt imal allo cation of w ater resources, w ater ecolog ical pro tect ion and r esto re system need mo re wo rk.