Review of effects of flow and sediment on the transport and transformation of phosphorus in rivers and lakes
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Pho sphor us has st rong affinit y t o react w ith sediment part icles. T he motion of flow and sediment can change t he occur2 r ence fo rms of phosphor us that may cause such env iro nmental pro blems as eut ro phicatio n in r iver s and lakes under certain con2 ditions. The recent st udies wer e analyzed, which sug gested that there are some limitat ions in the resea rch co nt ents, co nt rov ersy of mechanism, and incomplete mathematical mo dels fo r the tr anspor t and tr ansformatio n o f phosphorus in rivers and lakes, and pr evio us studies ar e ma inly o n t he macro sco pic level. Fur ther studies sho uld be fo cused on the ex plor atio n o f micr o2adso rptio n betw een w ater and sediment interface on the basis of ex perimental t echnolog y innovat ion, and t heo retic r esear ch of phospho rus transpo rt and t ransfo rmation on the co upling function of multiple fact ors under complicated co nditions.