Effects of polluted ice thawing on water quality in cold area
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Taking t he pollutio n incident in the So ng hua River as an ex ample, the experiments of po llutant distr ibution in ice and water phases wer e per formed to det ermine that the nitr obenzene concentr atio n under icing conditions is 6. 2 to 13. 4% of that in the o riginal w ater samples. On the basis, the dev eloped hydro dy namics and w at er quality model dur ing the icebound seaso n w as applied, which sug gested that nitro benzene concentrat ion increases by 0. 02 to 0. 025 ug/ L in the 2. 52km long main str eam of the So ng hua River due to the effect s of nitr obenzene from ice melting. Fur thermor e, it show ed that nitro benzene concent ratio n incr eases by a max imum value o f 12. 5 ug/ L caused by the ice melting in To ng jiang section in the end of the So ng hua Riv er, which wo uld no t affect w ater qualit y signif icantly. The water qualit y simulation based o n the ex per iments o f po llutant distribu2 tion in ice and w ater phases can analyze the secondar y pollutio n pro blems caused by po lluted ice melting in co ld reg ions simply and quickly .