Water chemical ions and heavy metal characteristics of water and sediment in Beijing section of Wenyu River
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On the basis of data analysis of water envir onmenta l qualit y in Wenyu Riv er f rom 1980 to 2010, t he ion char acter istics, water quality v ariat ion trend, and the co rr elation betw een water and sediment w ere ana lyzed thr ough field sampling. The r esults show ed that( 1) Na+ , Ca2+ , K+ , and HCO3 - contents are higher in 2013 compar ed t o tho se from 1980 to 2006, while Cl- and SO4 2- content s ar e lower in 2013 and M g+ co ntent is r elatively stable in the Wenyu Riv er; ( 2) water chemistry t ype va ries from CCa II to CNaI, indicating an increasing trend o f salinity and alkaline; ( 3) NH4 + 2 N and nitrates are the main po llutants in the We2 nyu River and its tributar y. Although the ov er2standard r atio decreases o ver t he y ears, it is still in the range o f 2 to 7; ( 4) o nly Cr and Cd of the heav y met al in the sediment have the cumulative index betw een 0 and 1, w hich indicates that the sediment pol2 lut ion lev el is light; and( 5) wat er and po llutants in the sediment hav e sig nificant co rr elatio ns in the Weny u River, such t hat NH 4 + 2N and nitr ate show posit ive cor relations w ith Cr and Pb w her eas Cd and As show neg ative cor relations wit h Cr and Pb, and the co rr elatio n wit h Pb is the str ongest.