Analysis of characteristics of urban water disasters in Jinan
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With the r apid ur banizatio n in China, w ealt h and informat ion ar e g athering in the cities, which also leads to the increas2 ing of urban water disaster s and lo ss of disasters. The occur rence o f urban w ater disasters is caused by the inter act ion betw een human so cial sy st em and natura l ecosystems, and is the result of the combined effects o f v arious factor s. In this paper, the char2 acter istics of precipitat ion, t opog raphy , and hydrolog y in ur ban w ater disasters of Jinan City wer e analyzed using t he percentile met ho d and R/ S analysis metho d. The r esults show ed that the number of ex treme pr ecipitation ev ents and the frequency o f r ain2 sto rm ar e co nsistent with the ur banizatio n tr end, the t ime w hen urban w ater disaster s occur is co nsistent w ith the period o f time when rainstorm appears mo st ly, and the futur e trend o f pr ecipitatio n has the possibility of a continuation of the over all trend of pr ecipitatio n in the past years. The frag ile environment o f develo ping hazards caused by the inter act ions between human land use patter ns and natural ecosystems in the souther n mount ains and urban w ater sy stems combined w ith fr ag ile hazard2bear ing bo dies lead to ur ban w ater disasters. Meanw hile, five sugg estions w ere pr oposed acco rding to t he floo d contro l and preventio n ex perience in other countries. The r esear ch can pr ov ide a better understanding o f the fo rmat ion mechanism of urban wat er disas2 ter s, w hich can then offer theoret ical suppor t for the pr ev ent ion of the occurr ence of urban water disaster s.