Eco2environmental water requirement analysis in Huangshui River based on improved Tennant method
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In this pa per, the t raditio nal T ennant method was improv ed. Based on t he or ig inal metho d, a t ypical year in the av erag e annual flow ser ies of many years was selected, w hich r equired that the flow in the ty pical y ear is clo se to the av erag e annual flow of many y ear s. For t he ty pica l year cho sen fr om the river flow process, it has the seasonal w etness and dry ness char acter istics. Use o f river flow in a typical y ear instead o f the av erage annual flow in Tennant method can reflect the seasonal characterist ics of r iver flow . T he results show ed that the eco2environmental water r equirement calculated by the improv ed metho d bet ter re2 flect s the seasonal w etness and dry ness char acter istics in the main str eam of Huangshui Riv er and all reaches of Dato ng Riv er.