Analysis and comparison of determination methods for stable channel
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Three typical determination methods o f stable channel, including Yalin and da Silva met ho d, Chang method, and H uang and Nanson method, w ere selected and verified using 323 dat a sets fr om prot oty pe measurement s and flume tests. T he calcula2 tion err or s o f these methods w ere analyzed and compared quantitativ ely. The results show ed that Yalin and da Silv a met ho d has the hig hest pr ecision w hereas Chang metho d has the lowest in the calculatio n of channel w ith stable w idth and depth, and H uang and Nanson method has the highest pr ecision whereas Yalin and da Silva method has lower pr ecision in t he calculation o f chan2 nel w ith stable slo pe. In general, Yalin and da Silva metho d shows a better precisio n and can be recommended for use in t his study.