Optimization of flow distribution of different units in a single2stage pumping station
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After the pumping st ation of the w ater tr ansfer pro ject is built, it may car ry o n different water transfer tasks at differ2 ent times. In o rder to finish w ater transfer tasks, the pumping stat ion operates under different w or king conditio ns. Based on the discr et e w or king points of a sing le2stag e pumping station, flow distr ibution of the pump statio n was optimized. T o achieve the maximum efficiency of the pumping statio n sy st em, w e established the flow dist ribution o ptimization mo del under the con2 str aints of pump flow, pump assembly head, and number of o per ating units. Flow dist ributio ns of different units w ere compared under sev eral wo rking co nditions, and the optimal combination o f flow distr ibution o f different units in a sing le2stag e pumping stat ion was o btained.