Research on consolidation test of soft clay under constant loading rate
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Consolidat ion test under constant lo ading rate is the test metho d for the co nso lidatio n process o f clay ey so il w ith a con2 stant rate o f contro l conso lidation str ess. Consolidat ion t ests with four different lo ading rates and instantaneo us lo ading wer e car ried out using the GDS advanced consolidat ion testing sy stem. The co nso lidatio n deformatio n character istics of soft clay and the chang e law of po re2w ater pressur e wer e analy zed. The findings indicated that ( 1) the faster of lo ading r ate, the larg er de2 fo rmation rate and the shorter time fo r consolidation o f soil sample; ( 2) the final defo rmation of soil sample is independent of the loading r ate but dependent o n the magnit ude o f co nso lidatio n str ess; ( 3) with the increasing o f loading r ate o f co nso lidatio n st ress, the averag e conso lidation deg ree of soil sample decr eases after loading ; ( 4) t he hig her the loading rate, t he faster the in2 cr easing rate o f por e pressure in the so il sample bo ttom and the lar ger t he ext reme v alue o f por e pressure; and( 5) the por e pres2 sure r eaches the max imum before the completion of loading of co nso lidatio n str ess, then decr eases w hile the effect ive str ess in2 cr eases rapidly.