Identification of modal parameters of water2outlet tower of pumping station under operational excitation conditions
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The wat er2outlet tow er of hig h2lift pumping station can v ibr ate serio usly and even fail under the ex citatio n o f flow. In order t o study the v ibration char acter istics of w ater2outlet t ow er, accurate identificatio n of its mo dal par amet ers is necessar y. In this paper, the v ibration signals o f a w ater2outlet tower under the operational ex citation conditio ns w ere co llected in the No. 6 pumping statio n of Jing dian phase II project in Gansu Prov ince. Acco rding to the measured vibrat ion data, the modal parameter s of the w ater2o ut let tow er w ere identif ied using two t ime2domain identification metho ds, including the sto chastic subspace ident i2 ficat ion and eig en sy stem r ealization alg or ithm. The identification results w ere com par ed w ith t he simulated results determined by ANSYS finite element method. The results show ed that both metho ds can identify the mo dal par ameters of the water2outlet tow er accurately and the identificat ion results ar e in go od ag reement w ith the simulat ion results o bt ained from ANSYS finite el2 ement metho d. The research can not o nly pr ovide the t heo retical basis for the renewa l design and safe operation monito ring of the w ater2o ut let tow er, but also offer the technical r eferences fo r the identification of mo dal parameters o f the hydraulic struc2 tur es in the ir rigation distr ict.