Water surface slope variation under sand extraction activity in the Ganjiang River
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Due to the uno rder ed sand ex traction, the lo cal flow pat tern becomes mo re complex and the navigation conditions ar e effected. Acco rding t o the measur ed river terr ain data and hydro lo gical data, the annual var iations of max imum r iver bed slope hav e been analy zed fo r the r iver r each betw een Zhang shu to Waizhou in the downstr eam of Ganjiang River after sand ex tr action. The river w ater sur face var iation is calculated using the one2dimensio nal mathematical flow mo del under different flow discharg e co nditions, and the relatio nship betw een the local max imum w ater sur face slo pe and riv erbed slo pe is analyzed. The r esult s show that local water sur face slope incr eases sig nificant ly and lo ca l max imum water surface slo pe is closely r elated to r iv erbed slope due to the effects o f sand ext raction, and the maximum water surface slope decr eases and t he effects of riv erbed on w ater sur face slope weaken wit h the increasing of r iver flow dischar ge.