Research on hydraulic model test of Rampura rainwater pumping station
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In terms of the flow reg ime pr oblems of o pen suction sump in Rampur a rainw ater pumping station, a norma l physical model was built wit h 1: 6 ratio o f g eometr ic scale for the study and its hydraulic test w as conducted. Sev eral ty pical wo rking co nditions wer e analyzed to determine the flow r egime, velocity distr ibut ion, and w ater lev el var iatio n in the intake section, fo re2 bay sectio n, pump chamber sectio n, and different sections o f bell mouth wer e obtained. The r esult s showed that the design and lay out o f each sect ion are reasonable and unsatisfactor y flow regime does no t occur during the o per ating perio d o f the rainw ater pumping statio n, but the flow reg ime can be affected under the operation of low water level. T he physical mo del test is feasible and reasonable, w hich can pro vide refer ence for the design of simila r pump statio ns.