Research on water hammer protection of pneumatic tank
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Acco rding to the w o rking principle of pneumatic tank, the sur ge cy cle and pr essure fluctuat ion fo rmulae o f the pneu2 matic t ank w ere deduced under the circumstance of pow er2o ff pumping. Compa red w ith the or dinar y air tank, the effects of dif2 fer ent par amet ers o n the perfo rmance o f w ater hammer pr otectio n for pneumatic tank w ere analyzed, and the mathematical mod2 el of the pneumat ic tank in tr ansit ion per iod w as developed. Combined w ith the ex ample o f a lo ng distance w ater supply pro ject, the effects of w ater hammer pr otection bet ween pneumatic tank and o rdinary air tank w er e compar ed using the numer ical simu2 latio n o f t ransition per iod. The r esult s showed t hat pneumatic tank can effect ively elim inat e pump2stopping water hammer in the long distance water supply pr oject and has better pro tect ive features than t he o rdinary air tank.