Numerical simulation of unsteady hydrodynamic pressure in the stilling basin of flaring gate pier
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The RNG k2E turbulent model and dynamic mesh technolog y w ere applied to simulate the unsteady flow in the st illing basin of Y2shaped flar ing g ate pier dur ing the pro cess of r adial g ate opening . The effects of tot al g ate opening time, w ater head over weir, and initial downstream wat er depth o n the pressur es of anti2ar c and stilling basin w ere analy zed. Thr ee different flow patter ns w ere defined accor ding to differ ent g ate o pening velocit ies. The pressure char acter istics of anti2arc and st illing basin wer e o btained. The results show ed that ( 1) if the to tal g ate o pening time is sho rter, flow lagg ing behind the gate is more obvious and the lag ged maximum pressure is hig her in the impact zone; ( 2) ther e is a linear relationship betw een the max imum pressur e and water head in the impact zo ne dur ing the g ate o pening pro cess; and ( 3) the differ ence betw een the max imum pr essure in the impact zone and aver age pressur e in t he adjusting zone decreases w ith the incr easing o f dow nstr eam w ater depth. T he simulatio n results ag reed w ell w ith the ex per imental data, which sugg ested that t he numer ical simulatio n method is r eliable and can prov ide import ant r eference fo r the reasonable o perat ion of hy dr aulic gate.