Research on crack expanding mechanism of fractured rock tunnel with hydrodynamic pressure
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Based o n t he theor y o f fracture mechanics and the effects of hydrodynamic pr essure o n the fractured ro ck, the condi2 tions that o pen crack in the f ractured ro ck continues to ex pand when it bears t he tensile st ress w hich is per pendicular to the length dir ection of the cr ack, and the application o f cr ack ex panding mechanism in tunnel w ater g ushing( mud) o f fr actur ed r ock wer e inv est igat ed in this paper . T he results show ed that : the hy dr odynamic pr essure changes the stress intensity factor at the cr ack tip by increasing the stress near crack tip to reach the cr itical v alue o f cr ack initiation, thereby causing cr ack ex pand. I n the fractured rock tunnel, hydro dy namic w ater pr essure can no t only incr ease t he str ess intensit y facto r at the crack tip to ex pand cr ack, but also deter io rate the hydrog eolog ical conditio ns in the tunnel due to its er osion actio n, and seepag e defo rmatio n o f the filling medium in fracture o ccurs o r filling medium can be w ashed aw ay to cause tunnel w ater g ushing( mud) .