Estimation of leakage aquifer parameters with simplex2particle swarm optimization algorithm
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The par ticle swa rm optimizatio n alg o rithm has slow converg ence, pr ematur ity , and lo cal minimum pro blems; therefo re, the sim plex method alg or ithm w as combined with the part icle sw arm alg or ithm to develop a hy br id algo rithm called simplex2 par ticle sw arm algo rit hm g iv en that the simplex met ho d algo rithm has stro ng lo cal search ability. Based on the analy tical so lu2 tions to unst eady w ell flow pro blems in t he fir st ty pe leakage system, the simplex2part icle sw arm alg or ithm w as emplo yed to an2 alyze the pumping test data in o rder to determine aquifer par ameters. Numerical results show ed that the simplex2particle sw arm alg or ithm can analyze the pumping test dat a effectively for the estimation of aquifer par ameters, and this met ho d has stro ng local sear ch ability , fast calculation abilit y, rapid co nv erg ence rate, and hig h accuracy.