Case study of parameter auto2calibration of distributed parameter model based on Condor algorithm
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Phy sically2based distributed parameter models hav e been widely used to evaluat e and pr edict g roundw ater flow and hy2 draulic respo nse. The traditio na l tr ial2and2erro r approach for ca librat ing the numerical model par ameters depends on the ex per i2 ence and subject ive assessment of the modeler and can be v ery time2co nsuming. In this paper , the Co ndor a lgo rithm, a co nstr ain2 ed, non2linea r, and der ivative2free o ptimizer, is intr oduced into parameter auto2calibration o f a synthet ic g ro undwater mo del. It a2 chieves a complete pro cess of par ameter auto2calibration o f the model. T he co nv erg ence effects ar e compared w ith those using the g enet ic alg or ithm, w hich sugg ests that the Condo r alg or ithm is less affected by the initial par amet ers and impr ov es the o pt i2 mizing efficiency sig nificantly compar ed w ith genetic algo rithm.