Evaluation of stability regional ization of gob based on Plaxis and specification
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The sur face subsidence value o f stability r egio na lizatio n index o f a coal g ob w as calculated using Plax is. Based o n the e2 quations in the specificatio n, the surface inclinat ion value, sur face hor izontal deformatio n v alue, and cur vature v alue w ere calcu2 lated, and the cor responding stability r egio na lizatio n maps of the abov e fo ur indexes wer e plo tted using Sur fer. Finally, the abov e stability reg ionalization results w ere compared and analy zed comprehensiv ely, and the comprehensiv e map of stability r eg io nal2 ization of the go b w as plotted using AutoCAD. The results showed that the surface subsidence v alue and sur face ho rizontal de2 fo rmation value have g r eat er influence o n the stability reg io nalization of t he go b, and the status of entire g ob is between basically stable and understable under natural w orking co nditio ns and betw een understable and unstable under lo ading co nditions. T he pr oposed a ppro ach can pr ovide refeencefo r the stability ev aluatio n o f g ob and site selection of pro po sed building abo ve the g ob.