Impact mechanism of groundwater flow on overlying strata movement in the goaf
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T he cur rent r esear ch on t he over ly ing strata mov ement in the co al mine go af r arely consider s the influence of g roundw2 ater flow; howev er, gr oundwater lo ss can result in str ata movement and both facto rs occur simult aneously in some area. In t his paper, the basic form of ov erlying strat a mov ement and t he effects of gr oundw ater flow in t he water2bear ing stratum passing throug h the fr actur e o n the strata w ere analy zed, and the impact mechanism of g ro undw ater flow on the o ver ly ing strata mo ve2 ment in the go af was discussed. The f inding s sugg ested that gr oundw ater flow can / help0 t he o verlying st rata mov ement under cer tain conditions, and long2time g roundw ater flow can cause the ov er ly ing strata mov ement with la rg er ar ea and deg ree and lead to locally sudden co llapse.