Slope stability analysis of high fill canal in the Middle Route of South2to2North Water Diversion Project based on ABAQUS
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A two2dimensio nal finite element mo del o f a section o f the high fill canal r each was est ablished using the finite element analysis softw ar e ABAQUS. Based o n the principle o f strength reduction FEM and soil mass cha racterist ics, the slo pe stability of the high fill canal reach w as analyzed, and the reasonable stability and safety fact or o f slo pe w as determined using the insta2 bility judgment basis o f the strengt h reduct ion FEM. The simulatio n r esult s show ed that the crit ical sliding surface obtained from t he str eng th reductio n FEM is almost consist ent with that determined by the limit equilibr ium method, w hich sug gested that using the displacement mutation o f feature po ints and interconnect ivit y of plast ic zone to analy ze the critical damag e o f slope can reduce the estimation erro r and pr ovide the reasonable and unique slo pe safety facto r.