Analysis on distribution and formation of the karst collapse in Tongluoshan of Chongqing
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Karst ro cks in To ng luoshan o f Cho ng qing city ar e mainly distr ibuted in the heartland of the To ng luox ia Anticline and Nanw enquan Ant icline, and are mostly the carbonate o f t he Lower T riassic Jialing jiang Formatio n and Middle T riassic Leiko upo Formatio n. The kar st r ocks H dev elo p alo ng t he st rata lay ers unev enly and are char acter ized by v ertical zonatio n, and t he over ly2 ing str at um o n the karst ro cks has a Hdual st ructur eH consist ing of the upper permeable lay er and low er imperv ious layer . Tw o types o f karst collapse dominate in t he study ar ea including the natural co llapse and man2made co llapse, and the nat ur al collapse occur s independently w hile t he man2made co lla pse usually occurs in g r oups. T he distr ibution o f kar st co llapse is affect ed by the distr ibut ion of kar st rock, kar st development, and inducing facto rs. Ka rst collapse in T ongluo shan o f Cho ng qing city is ma inly located in( 1) low2ly ing ar eas in the tro ugh v alley; ( 2) carbonate outcrops w ith karst development; ( 3) ar eas cov er ed by so il layer s wit h thickness o f 3 to 10 meters; and( 4) areas with sig nificantly decreasing gr oundw ater levels. H Gro und collapse in study ar ea is mainly caused by / H subsur faceH erosion and H softeningH2H seepage failureH2H negative pr essureH abso rption0 . Mo reov er, sudden decline in g ro undwater levels resulted from tunnel excav ation thro ug h aquifer is the key o f collapse develo pment.