Three2dimensional simulation demo of large2scale landscape lake
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A simulatio n demo system of a larg e2scale landscape lake has been developed. The sy stem includes the landsca pe and water facility simulations. In or der to r ealize the simulations of pano ramic view and key ar eas, the three2dimensional virtual real2 ity environment of the lake and landscape video of the key areas have been develo ped using the v irtual r eality techno lo gy and Virto ols simulation techno lo gy . T hr ee2dimensional animation techno lo gy is used to make the simulat ion animat ions o f sluice gat e and diaphr agm w all in or der to realize the simulation demo of w ater facilit y. T he simulation demo system of landscape lake has multiple funct ions, such as ser ving the operation manag ement, int roducing the landsca pe lake comprehensiv ely , recreating the beautiful landscape aro und the lake, and showing the key functio ns of the water facility. T he st udy results ar e helpful fo r the co nstr uction of simulat ion demo sy stem of similar larg e2scale landscape lakes.