Temporal stability of soil water under different soil coverages
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Tempor al stability is an im po rtant factor to analy ze the spatial and tempo ral var iability of so il water , so its study can pr ov ide r eference fo r the prediction of local soil mo isture, ev aluatio n of water reso ur ces, and development of hy dr olog y model2 ling . Acco rding to the r eal2time monito ring o f soil moisture data collected by EC25 senso rs in the hillslope scale o f 2 m2 , the tem2 por al stability of shallow so il water under fo ur different v eg etatio n co ver s ( spring maize, wheat, ry egr ass, and bar e land) wer e analyzed using the r elative difference method and Spearman r and corr elation co eff icient method. Result s show ed that the tempo2 r al stability occur s in t he shallow soil water under different veg etable types and slo pes w ith small MRD and standard dev iatio n values at var ious soil depths. There w as no signif icant differ ence for the t em po ral stability of soil w ater under different slo pes, but obvio us differ ence under differ ent veg et ation types. The tempor al stability of so il w ater for maize and r yeg rass w as obviously low er t han that of w heat and ba re land wit h smaller MRD and standar d deviat ion values.