Relationship between plant transpiration rate and meteorological factors of walnut trees under drip irrigation
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The transpirat ion rates of sing le 62year2o ld w alnut t ree at different per io ds dur ing different g rowth stag es in Aksu of Xinjiang wer e measured using the packaged sap flow system produced by Dy namax Company o f America. The r elatio nship be2 tw een the var iation law s of tr anspirat ion rate o f walnut tr ees and met eo ro lo gical factor s w as investig ated. The results indicated that the diurnal var iatio n of the t ranspir atio n rat e show s the sing le2peak curv e in sunny day s, and t he bimodal or multi2peak curv e in cloudy days. T ranspiratio n rat e had a g ood po sitive cor relat ion w ith so lar r adiation and temperature Ta, but neg ativ e co rr elation wit h humidity RH .