Agricultural irrigation water net consumption in the Hebei Plain
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Agr icultural ir rig atio n is the main sour ce o f the g ro undwater resources co nsumpt ion in the No rth China Plain( NCP) . Resear ch on the ir rig atio n water consumptio n can pro vide impor tant reference to the reg ional irr ig ation efficiency and scale. In this paper, based o n the economic st atistical data, conventio nal meteo rolog ical dat a, and gr oundw ater level data in H ebei prov ince from 1981 to 2010, the agr icultural ir rigation water net consumption and its relat ionships w ith precipit ation, temper atur e, g ra in yield, and g roundw ater level w ere investig ated. The results showed that 0. 6 billion tons o f gr ain hav e been pro duced in the H e2 bei Plain in the past 30 y ear s, w hile the ir rigation w ater net consumptio n is about 149. 4 @ 109m3 , w hich causes a decline of abo ut 18 m in g r oundwater lev el. M oreo ver, ag ricultur al ir rigation water net co nsumpt ion has positiv e cor relat ions w ith temper ature, gr oundwat er exploitat ion amount , g roundw ater dept h, and g rain y ield, but has insig nificant corr elation with pr ecipitatio n. In or2 der to ut ilize g roundw ater reso ur ces reasonably in NCP and reduce the decline r ate of gr oundw ater lev el, fur ther development of water2sav ing ag ricultur e is necessary to promote the sustainable develo pment of ag riculture in the reg ion.