Experimental research on reasonable irrigation system of winter wheat in Hebei plain
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A reasonable ir rigation sy stem of w inter w heat determined by experiments can achiev e t he effects o f water sav ing, in2 cr eased pr oduction, and environmental pr otection. Ex per iment s on r easo nable ir rigation system of winter w heat in H ebei pla in wer e co nducted, and fo ur ir rigation treatments wer e com par ed under the co ndition o f sufficient seeds, w hich included the ir rig a2 tion quota o f 900 m3 / hm2, 2 250 m3 / hm2 , 2 700 m3 / hm2 , and 3 600 m3 / hm2 in spr ing. The results showed t hat in the plains of centr al and so uther n H ebei Pro vince, r easo nable ir rigation quo ta of winter w heat is in the range of 2 250 to 2 700 m3 / hm2 to generate hig her yield. Fo r the ir rigation quo ta o f 2250 m3 / hm2 , t hr ee irr igat ions can be applied to the wheat joint ing st age, flow er ing stage, and filling stage w ith each o f 750 m3 / hm2 . For the ir rigation quota of 2 700 m3 / hm2 , two irr igat ions can be applied to the w heat jo inting stag e and flow er ing stage w ith each of 1 350 m3 / hm2 . Det erminatio n o f r easo nable irr ig ation sys2 tem of w int er wheat in H ebei plain thro ug h the ex periments can pr ov ide the scientific basis for reasonable irr igat ion, ag ricultural water2sav ing, and increasing pr oductio n.