Operation control of storage compensation of canal system in the Middle Route of South2to2North Water Diversion Project
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The canal system in the Middle Route of the South2to2Nor th Water Div ersio n pr oject has the o per ation mo de o f con2 stant w at er lev el befo re the sluice gat e, which means that t he w ater lev el contro l point of the operat ion mode w ith constant dow nstream w ater lev el is located befo re the sluice gate in the dow nstr eam channel. The o per ation mo de with const ant down2 str eam water level is beneficial for the channel design with the max imum w ater flow , minimum super hig h, and low co st. In t his paper, acco rding to the r esponse, r eco very char acter istics, and sto rag e compensat e t ime o f the o per ation mode w ith constant w a2 ter lev el befor e the sluice g ate, the o per ation co nt rol metho d for constant w ater level befor e the sluice gate was proposed, and the feedforwar d co nt rol strateg y of stor age compensatio n and w ater lev el feedback contro ller w ith cascade lev els of water flow wer e desig ned. T he channels o f the main canal in the Middle Ro ute o f South2to2nor th Water Div ersio n Pro ject w ere used fo r t he re2 search object, operatio n co ntr ol simulatio ns w ere perfo rmed under typical co ndit ions, and t he calculation r esults wer e compared wit h t ho se o f w ater flow compensation and conventional o per atio n contro l method with constant dow nst ream water level, w hich co nfirmed the r eliabilit y of o per atio n contr ol alg or ithm