Evaluation model and its application of agricul tural water price satisfaction
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Ther e is a hot debate abo ut ag ricult ur al w ater pr ice reform in r ecent year s, especially the char ge of w ater price. Analy2 sis o f t he impact fact ors of ag ricultur al w ater price satisfaction is essential to determine t he r easo nable ag ricultur al w ater price. In this paper, 21 impact facto rs affect ing ag r icultural w ater pr ice satisfaction wer e selected as the basic var iables, the Analytic Hierarchy Pr ocess ( AH P) and fact or analy sis w ere used to dev elop the evaluation mo del of ag ricultura l water price satisfaction, which was applied in Binzho u o f Shando ng Pr ovince as a case study. T he r esults show ed that the main factor s affecting agr icul2 tur al w ater pr ice satisfactio n include the eng ineer ing const ruction and manag ement level, w ater supply quality , farmer. s income, manag ement mechanisms, and farmer. s bea ring capacity , and the most impo rtant factor s a re wat er supply project const ruct ion2 cost, operation and manag ement co st , end2canal facilities, per capita income o f g rain, farmer. s willingness to pay , and ir rig atio n water qualit y.