Variation characteristics of baseflow between Zhutuo and Datong stations along the mainstream of Yangtze River
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Abstract:Baseflow is a relatively stable compo nent o f str eamflow, and baseflow separ ation is widely used in the management and research of w ater r eso ur ces, water env ir onment, and water secur ity . In or der to inv estigate the var iatio n of baseflow along the Yangtze Riv er, recursive digital filters method was emplo yed to calculat e the baseflow at seven hydr olo gica l stat ions in the main2 str eam of the Yangt ze River. The research results showed that the BFI ( baseflow index ) is betw een 01 768 and 01 798 at each stat ion. T he r iver reach between Yichang and Luo shan stat ions has the g reatest co nt ribution to the basef low betw een Zhutuo and Datong statio ns, follow ed by the river reach betw een Zhutuo and Cunt an stations, and the smallest is the r iver r each betw een Yichang and Wanxian statio ns. Around the year o f 2000, the basef low in the mainstream of the Yang tze River decreased sig nifi2 cantly . Basef low at Yichang st ation had the hig hest r eduction rate o f 81 82%, follow ed by Wanx ian station w ith a r eductio n rat e of 81 79%。