Relationship between climate change and urban development in Yinchuan City
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Based on the meteor olo gical data from 1951 t o 2013 at Yinchuan station o f Ningx ia H ui Autonomous District, the mov2 ing aver age and Mann2Kenda ll t est methods wer e used to investig ate t he climate change trend in Yinchuan, and the relat ionship betw een urban dev elopment and climat ic fact ors in r ecent 20 years w as analy zed using t he mov ing aver age and Spearmanc s Rho test metho d. The results showed that most climatic facto rs var ied slightly befor e 1990, but chang ed signif icantly since then, and the mean, max imum, and m inimum temperatur es incr eased significantly w hile w ind speed, mean relativ e humidit y, and sunshine ho ur s decreased significantly. Comprehensive analysis of the r elationship betw een the ur ban development and climatic factor s show ed that incr easing of tot al industr ial output v alue and building ar ea in the city has a po sitiv e co rrelatio n w ith the increasing of temperature w hile a negative cor relat ion w ith the incr easing of r elative humidit y and sunshine hours.