Spatial and temporal variations of precipitation in Putian Ci ty
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Based o n the precipitat ion data of each weather statio n in Putian Cit y, t he spatial and tempo ral v ariat ions o f precipitat i2 o n w ere systematically analyzed fr om t he aspects o f spatial distributio n, var iatio n tr end, mutatio n and per iodicity using the meth2 o ds of M ann2Kendall rank cor relation metho d, Mann2Kendall mutation testt, and Mor let wav elet analysis. The results show ed that ( 1) the spatial distributio n o f annual precipitat ion shows an increasing tendency fr om the southeaster n co ast t o the no rth2 w estern mountains in Putian, and precipitation in most of the ar ea has an insig nificantly increasing t rend in the past 57 y ears; ( 2) the inter2annual pr ecipitatio n distr ibution is no t uniform w hile annual precipitat ion is relat ively stable, annual precipitatio n show s fiv e a lternative stages w ith mor e r ain and less r ain in each dist rict of Put ian, and annual pr ecipitation show s a mutatio n from 1996 to 1998 and from 2003 to 2004; and ( 3) annual precipitat ion in each dist rict of Putian show s primary per iodicities of 3 year s, 8 years, 12 y ea rs, and 28 y ears, and the first pr imar y per iodicity is 28 years for all the dist ricts ex cept fo r Zho ngmen sta2 tion, w hich has the fir st pr imary per io dicity o f 22 years.