Variation tendency of dry2wet index in Hillock Area of northern Hubei in the recent 54 years
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Based on the daily meteor olog ical data of eig ht w eather stat ions in H illock Ar ea o f nor thern H ubei fr om 1960 to 2013, the v alues of refer ence cro p evapot ranspiratio n and dr y2w et index w ere calculated using t he Penman2Montecito equatio n r ecom2 mended by the FAO, and the v ariat ion tendency and g ener al char act eristics o f dry2wet index w ere analyzed by the methods of Mann2Kendall test and Morlet wavelets analysis. The r esults indicated that ( 1) the dry2wet index has incr eased slow ly with a rate of 01 038/ 10a from 1960 to 2013, and the dry2w et condition has been improved to some extent; ( 2) the dry2wet index is the highest in sum2 mer, fo llowed by spring and autumn, and the low est in winter; ( 3) the dry2wet index has an abrupt chang e from 1980 to 1981; ( 4) the dry2w et index has three periodicities of 3~ 6 years, 8~ 15 years, and 17~ 25 years, and the primary perio dicity is 13 year s; and ( 5) the dr y2w et index has posit ive cor relation w ith relativ e humidity and precipitat ion, and negative cor relation w ith t emperat ur e, w ind speed, and sunshine time, and pr ecipitation is the dominant fact or t o cause the var iatio n o f dr y2w et index .