Impact of groundwater internal discharge on the water quali ty of open channel in theMiddle Route of South2to2North Water Transfer Project
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Guar antee of w ater qua lit y in the M iddle Ro ute o f So uth2to2North Wat er Tr ansfer Project is key fo r successful o per a2 tion of the project . In this study, a coupling mo del int eg r ating w ater quality and quantity betw een channel w ater and g roundw a2 ter along the channel w as developed based on the hydro dy nam ic and advection2diffusion mo dules of MIKE11. The mo del co nsid2 er ed the impacts of gr oundw ater internal discharg e sectio n alo ng t he channel and Beijing2Shijiazhuang section was selected as the simulatio n demonst ratio n sectio n. In terms of the character istics of water quality in the inter nal dischar ge sectio n, NH32N w as select ed as the ty pica l po llutant compositio n. Acco rding to the actual engineering desig n, water quantity of the inter nal discharg e sectio n w as calculated under the most disadvantag e w or king conditions, and the impacts of w ater quality in the internal dis2 charg e section on the channel w ere simulated using the scenario analysis. The r esults indicated that there is no impact on the channel w ater qualit y under the most ser ious scenar io in w hich g ro undw ater inthe inter na l discharg e section is contaminated ver2 y serio usly.