Experimental study on the effects of slope surface of engineering accumulation on overland flow and sediment reduction
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In or der t o investig ate the effects o f eng ineer ing measures fish2scale pit and lev el ter race on the reduct ion of over land flow and sediment by the steep slope of eng ineering accumulat ion, in this paper, the r unoff sco ur ing experiments w ere used to simulate the runo ff and sediment pro cess in t he steep slo pe o f eng ineer ing accumulat ion with the flow of 40 L/ min and slo pe of 24b, 28b, and 32b . The results showed that ( 1) fish2sca le pit and lev el terr ace can reduce slo pe r unoff and incr ease soil wat er in2 filtr atio n at the early stag e of the pro ductio n flow; ( 2) the intercept ion ability of two measures decr eases aft er the pr oductio n flow and the tw o measur es even hav e adver se effects; ( 3) fish2scale pit can r esult in tw o peaks in runoff intensity w ith t he con2 tinuatio n o f dischar ge time, and soil ero sion rate has two peaks as w ell, w hich o ccur after 6 and 24 minutes o f pr oduction f low ; ( 4) lev el ter race can lead to the staged v ariation of r unoff intensity w ith dischar ge time; ( 5) the w ater log ging phenomeno n ap2 pears in the level ter race and fish2scale pit in the later per io d of product ion flow , so il infiltr ation rate is neg ativ e, w hich indicates that soil w ater r echarg es to r unoff in the early stag e o f pro ductio n flow and leads to the increasing of slo pe erosio n; and ( 6) fish2 scale pit and level ter race have low ered the co rr elation o f pow er function o f cumulativ e sediment y ield and runoff. For the dr ain2 ag e design of st eep slope, the maximum runoff and am plification effect o f slope measures are needed to be considered. For the runoff reg ulation system of steep slo pe, the timeliness of the protective benefit of eng ineering measures is needed to be considered.