Pollution source analysis and ecological restoration for drinking water sources from reservoir in Chongqing City
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Thir ty2eight drinking w ater sources fr om r eservo ir in Chong qing City w ere selected to investig ate the cur rent w ater qualit y situatio n o f dr inking wat er so urces fr om reserv oir s, and the effects of no npoint source po llution, such as agr icultural fer2 tilizer, soil ero sion, livesto ck and poultry breeding , and sediment pollutio n, and po int sour ce po llution, such as sewag e and gar2 bage, on the dr inking w ater sources fr om reserv oir . In terms of different t ypes of reserv oirs, tw o str ateg ies of resto ration2im2 pro vement and ma int enance2o pt imizatio n wer e put fo rw ard to r esto re the ecolo gy in addition to the str ict co nt rol o n the pollutio n so ur ce. Ecolo g ical r esto ration measures and st rateg ies w ere a lso pr oposed to pro tect the dr inking w ater sources, such as con2 str ucted wetlands, r iparian buffer zo ne, soil water conser vation, and sediment dr edg e.