Preliminary theoretical frame of cumulatively environmental assessment of cascade hydropower development
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Env ir onmental effects o f cascade hy dr opow er dev elo pment on river ecosystems are lar gely cumulative in natur e, w hich are caused by individua lly minor but co llectively signif icant actions t hat accumulate ov er space and t ime. Assessment of water2 shed cumulativ e effects of cascade hy dr opow er development w ith its mechanisms can enr ich the theo ry o f Cumulativ e Effects Assessment ( CEA) and provide the important basis of cumulative effects of ecolog ical enviro nment w ith watershed development. Based on the theoretical and practical theories on the hydro power development including cumulative effects and evaluation method , the key techniques and problems of CEA are analyzed, and the theo retical frame and practical problems of cumulatively environmental assessment of cascade hydropower development in China are proposed, as well as the adaptive manag ement measur es.