Quantitative inversion model of hyperspectral for turbidity in the Nansi Lake
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Based on the measured hy per spectral data and synchronous water qualit y measur ement dat a, thro ug h t he ident ificatio n of hig h hy per spectral bands sensitiv e to w ater turbidity, the o riginal spectr al reflectance model, normalized spectr al reflectance model, band r atio mo del, and first deriv ativ e mo del wer e built and ver ified respect ively. The results showed that the det ermina2 tive coefficients of the four mo dels are all above 0. 75, and the no rmalized reflect ance model in 825 nm and band r atio model of pr ov ide a hig her precisio n to est imate wat er turbidity with the RM SE o f 28. 79 NTU and 24. 23 NTU, respectively . T heresult2 soft hestudy canpro vide t he technicalsuppo rt for thebusiness2or iented manag ement oflarg e2area water tur bidit y remote sensing monitor ing in t he NansiLake.