Relationship between soil nutrient and salinity of native shrub2herb communities in the coastal wetland
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The distributio n character istics of soil nut rient and soil salinity o f native shrub2herb communities in the Yellow River Delta w etland and their r elationship w ere investigated using the methods of shrub2her b association classificatio n, so il sampling , labor ator y analy sis, and mathematical stat istics. The results show ed ( 1) the v ertical var iatio n o f soil soluble salt differ s sig nifi2 cantly , and the distr ibution of soil salinity o f the Suaeda glauca asso ciatio n and Tamar ix chinensis associatio n show s the trend of surf icial accumulatio n; ( 2) the or der w ith high to low o f so il or ganic mat ter co ntent is Phragm ites communis association, Tamar2 ix chinensis association, and Suaeda g lauca asso ciatio n; ( 3) the C/ N rate o f the shrub2her b communities is hig her than 5, w hich sug gests high humificatio n degr ee of soil o rganic matter ; ( 4) soil to tal nit rog en has a positive co rr elation w ith or ganic matt er, while so il total salinit y has an inver se co rr elatio n w it h o rg anic mat ter and to tal nitr og en, which indicates the restr ictio n of to tal salinity on o rganic matter and total nit rog en; and ( 5) the soil sa linity range from 15 to 20 g / kg cor responds to the tr ansit ion for the r apid to slow r educt ion of so il to tal nitrog en and o rg anic matter. The r esults can pr ov ide reference for the impr ovement of saline soil.