Dynamic finite element analysis of a landscape sluice in Shanghai
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Seismic ana lysis should be car ried out fo r the landscape sluice which has the risk o f eart hquake. As an important nu2 mer ical simulation method used in the engineer ing field, finite element method has been widely used for seismic analy sis. In t his paper , a landscape sluice in Shang hai w as t aken as an ex ample. The respo nse spectr um metho d w as adopted to simulate the seis2 mic r espo nse, and the additio nal mass method w as adopted to simulate the ea rthquake dynamic w ater pr essure. Finite element so ftwa re ABAQUS was used to perfo rm the numer ical calculatio ns, to ana lyze the str ess and displacement o f the sluice cham2 ber, and to v erify the validity.