Coupling effect of water and gypsum on loess collapsibility
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or der t o ex plor e t he coupling effect of w ater and g ypsum on loess co llapsibility a uniformly m ix ing test scheme w as car ried out to st udy the coupling effect based o n the factors of mo isture co nt ent and g ypsum content o f loess. T he nonlinear re2 g ression mathematical model bet ween the co lla psibility coefficient and g ypsum content and moisture co ntent w as develo ped by the least squar es fit ting method. The results showed that gy psum co ntent has sig nificant effects on loess collapsibility, the loess co llapsibilit y co efficient has a decr easing ex ponent ial relatio nship w ith gy psum co ntent and mo isture co ntent, and the coupling of water and gy psum can decrease the co llapsibility of loess.