Vibration mode analysis of blade based on the wind turbine with horizontal axis under icing condi tions
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In this paper , a three2dimensio nal f inite element model of the blade o f w ind turbine with hor izontal ax is w as car ried o ut under the icing co ndit ions. The resonance of impeller blade str ucture was analyzed under the icing conditio ns and the natura l f re2 quency of blade w as compar ed. Accor ding to the research content, t he g eometr ic parameter s of the impeller blades wer e deter2 mined, and the 3D so lid draw ing o f the blades w as per formed using the Pr o/ E softw are. The Fluent soft war e w as used to simu2 late the icing conditio ns of thr ee2dimensional blade, and the ANSYS st ructur e analysis so ftw are was used to simulate the f rozen blade. The Lanczo s Blo ck was used to perfo rm the analy sis o f g rav itatio na l pr elo ad of the blade. The multi2body dynamics meth2 o d w as used to determine the v ibration t ype, mode, and max imum displacement of each or der of blade. The numerical simulatio n and analysis results of the first 102or der o f blade wer e o btained and compar ed. The r esults show ed that the main vibrat ion mode of the blade is shimmy and w aving , and the blade has a stro ng resistance ability to to rsio n. Therefo re, t he desig n o f blade sho uld st reng then t he bending rig idity , w hich pr ovides refer ence for the desig n and o pt imizatio n o f wind turbine blade.