Direct shear test on expansive clay in Nanyang under freeze2thaw cycles
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Par t of ex pansiv e clay channel in the M iddle Route o f South2to2Nor th Water T ransfer Project ( SNWTP) in China is located in the seasonal fr ozen so il r egion. In or der to inv estigate the effects of fr eeze2thaw cycle o n the shear st rength and vol2 ume chang e of ex pansiv e clay, direct shear test w as conducted o n the ex pansiv e and non2ex pansive clay samples w hich had expe2 r ienced the freeze2thaw cycle, and then the sizes o f sam ples w ere measur ed. The results showed that ( 1) the shear str eng th de2 cr eases g radually at the initial st age of f reeze2thaw cy cle and then incr eases g radually with the decr easing of w ater content ; ( 2) during the pr ocess o f fr eeze2thaw cycle, t he vo lume chang e of no n2ex pansiv e clay appears as " fr ost heav ing and thaw collap2 sing ", while the v olume chang e of ex pansive cla y appears as " fr ost shr inking and thaw ex panding "; ( 3) the var iatio n o f dr y den2 sit y does no t aff ect the shear str eng th and volume chang e of clay, and the ex pansiv e clay w ith higher dry density has smaller fi2 nal volume shrinkage; and ( 4) the shear strength of ex pansive clay w ith w at er retentio n measur e decreases g radually at the fir st three freeze2t haw cycles, then tends to be stable, and its final v olume is not affected by dr ying shr inkage.