Assessment of influence area and emergency plan for debris2flow dammed lake - A case study in Mozi Gully of Wenchuan, Sichuan
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After the "5. 12 Wenchuan ear thquake" , a lar ge number of new and old debr is2flow g ullies increase their activities, and the possibility of dammed lake fo rmed by debris flow increases as w ell. The dam formed by debris flow is unstable, and ther e are only a few hours f rom the dam fo rmatio n to outbur st, so it is diff icult to conduct man2made eng ineer ing interv ention. Assess2 ment of influence a rea and establishment of emergency plan for debr is2flow dammed lake are necessar y and effective for disaster reductio n. The dam2failure flood caused by debris2flow dammed lake is differ ent from the tr adit ional flood or the outburst of man2made dam, which is an infrequent disaster ty pe in the emerg ency plans. The Mozi Gully was cho sen as the study object, and the pr inciples and preparatio n metho ds of emerg ency plans wer e put fo rw ard on the basis of r isk assessment fo r the outburst of debris2flow dammed lake. Fir st, the po tent ial peak f low , flo od heig ht, and outbur st dur atio n time w ere determined fo r the out2 burst of debris2flow dammed lake. Second, the inundat ion area w as circled and r isk po pulation was estimated throug h f ield sur2 v ey, and po ssible escape r oute and after car e locations w ere cho sen acco rding to ter rain co ndit ions. Finally, t he notificat ion pr oce2 dures, secur ity measures, and time node o f emerg ency plan star ting and ending w ere set based on go vernment al administr ativ e arr ang ements. T he emerg ency plan fo r the Mo zi Gully can lay the foundatio n for t he similar plans of other dang erous debr is2flow gullies and impr ove the response efficiency of debr is2flow dammed lake.